Below are the terms you agree to when you book the service mentioned.

Lash Service Consent

You agree to understand that this procedure requires single synthetic eyelashes to be adhered to your own natural eyelashes.

You agree to understand that it is your responsibility to keep your eyes closed and be still during the entire the procedure, until your eye lash technician addresses your to open your eyes.

You agree to understand that eyelash extension services have some inherent risk of irritation to the orbital eye area, including the eye itself, and could result in stinging and burning, blurry vision, and potential blindness should the adhesive enter the eye or should an allergic reaction occur.

You agree to disclose any allergies that you may have to latex, surgical tapes, cyanoacrylates, etc.

You agree to understand due to the tedious and extensive nature of eyelash extension application,

You understand that a refund will NOT be provided after the application. However, if necessary a  complementary removal will be provided once the allergic reaction subsides.

You agree to understand that You are required to follow the eyelash extension care card/sheet in order to maintain the life of the extensions.

You agree to understand that there are many variables including natural lash growth cycle, use of cosmetics and skin care products, sleeping habits and hygiene that will influence how long your eyelash extensions remain in place.

You agree to acknowledge that you should not pull on your lashes or pluck them or attempt to remove them yourself after they have been applied as this will cause lash loss/damage.

You agree to understand that if eyelash extensions are not properly cared for and cleaned on a daily basis, that oil and makeup can build up causing sensitivity and possible irritation or infection. It is mandatory to arrive with no mascara or liner for touchups.

You consent to “before and after” photographs for the purpose of documentation, potential advertising and promotional purposes.

You agree to understand that there is a 24 hour cancellation policy. Cancellations with less than 24 hours and no shows will be charged 100% of the service(s) booked.

You agree to understand that if you have any concerns, you will address these with your eyelash extension specialist. You give permission to your lash extension specialist to perform the eyelash extension procedure we have discussed, and will hold him/her and his/her staff harmless and nameless from any liability that may result from this treatment.

 You have accurately answered the questions in the service detail form , including all known allergies, prescription drugs, or products you are currently ingesting or using topically.

You agree to understand that your lash extension specialist will take every precaution to minimize or eliminate negative reactions as much as possible. In the event you may have additional questions or concerns regarding your treatment, you will consult the lash extension specialist immediately.

You agree that this constitutes full disclosure, and that it supersedes any previous verbal or written disclosures.

You agree to certify that you have read, and fully understand the above paragraphs and that you have had sufficient opportunity for discussions to have any questions answered. You agree to understand the procedure and accept the risks. You do not hold the lash extension specialist, or the salon in which the service was performed,  responsible for any of your conditions that were present, but not disclosed at the time of this procedure, which may be affected by the treatment performed today.


Although every precaution will be taken to ensure your safety and well-being before, during, and after your eyelash lift, please be aware of the following information and possible risks. 

You agree to understand that there are risks associated with having an eyelash lift.

You agree to understand that as a part of the eyelash lift procedure, eyelash irritation, eye pain, eye itching, discomfort, and in rare cases, eye infection or blurriness could occur.

You agree that if you experience any of these conditions with your eyelashes or eyes, that you will contact your technician; if you choose to consult a physician; it will be at your own expense.

You agree to understand that the instruments, tapes, cleaners, eye gel pads, adhesives, and/or removers may irritate your eyes or require a physician’s follow-up care, even though your technician utilized correct techniques and followed proper safety protocols.

You agree to understand that an eyelash lift will lift your natural eyelashes. Depending on your natural eyelash length and strength results may vary.

You agree to understand to the care instructions provided by your technician for the use and care of your eyelashes after the eyelash lift. You realize and accept that the consequences of failure to adhere to these instructions may cause the eyelashes to not stay as lifted as long as originally told.

You agree to understand and consent to having your eyes closed and covered for the entire duration of the procedure.

You agree to the following eyelash lift care and maintenance instructions: 

“No water can come in contact with the eye area for 24 hours after the application. This agreement will remain in effect for this procedure and for all future procedures conducted by your technician.

 You have read the above information. If you have any concerns, you will address these with your esthetician/technician you give permission to your esthetician/technician to perform the eyelash lifting procedure you have discussed and will hold him/her and his/her staff harmless from any liability that may result from this treatment. 

You have accurately answered the questions above, including all known allergies, prescription drugs, or products You are currently ingesting or using topically. You understand your esthetician/technician will take every precaution to minimize or eliminate negative reactions as much as possible. In the event you may have additional questions or concerns regarding your treatment, you will consult the esthetician/technician immediately.

You agree that this constitutes full disclosure, and that it supersedes any previous verbal or written disclosures. You certify that You have read, and fully understand, the above paragraphs and that you have had sufficient opportunity for discussion to have any questions answered. You understand the procedure and accept the risks.

You do not hold the esthetician/ technician, responsible for any of your conditions that were present, but not disclosed at the time of this procedure that may be affected by the treatment performed today.